Set Up Clearbit Form Complete for HubSpot

Last Updated: February 22, 2024

🔍 Please note: This article is for Clearbit by HubSpot customers. Clearbit by HubSpot customers are Enrichment customers who purchased Enrichment after 2/1/24. If enrichment was purchased before 2/1/24, please visit this help document for set up instructions.

âť—Please note: HubSpot has recently released a beta version of a new form editor tool. Clearbit Form Shortening does not work with forms using this new editor. The new form editor is designed for Breeze Intelligence in mind, and works there only. To use Clearbit Form shortening please use the legacy form editor.

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Log into the Clearbit Platform

Note: To receive a sign in link, you must first be a user in the HubSpot account used to sign up for Clearbit for HubSpot. Your account admin can add you as a user in HubSpot by visiting:

  • Settings
  • Users and teams 
  • Create User
  • The created user must have edit access for HubSpot contacts and companies
  • Send email invite (or upload CSV to add multiple users)

Logging in for the first time:

  • Visit and select “Sign up with HubSpot”

  • Select the Hubspot account your organization has elected to use with Clearbit
    • If you are already signed into HubSpot, you will see a list of your accounts and will select the account your organization has chosen to pair with Clearbit.
    • If you are not already signed in, sign into the account you will using for Clearbit
  • Authenticate the Clearbit App
  • Taking this action will associate your email with your Clearbit by HubSpot account.
  • Once completed, you will be logged into your Clearbit by Hubspot account

Subsequent logins:

  • Visit
  • Enter your email to get a MagicLink
  • Click on link in your email to sign in


How To Set Up Clearbit Form Complete for HubSpot

  1. Install the Clearbit JavaScript. You’ll find this in Settings > Integrations > Clearbit JavaScript.
  2. Once JavaScript is installed, head over to the Form Complete tab in Clearbit.
  3. Define your Allowed Sites by clicking the Add domain button, type in your site, and click Save.
    1. Allowed Sites defines which pages of your website will activate Autofill or Form Shortening, and which pages to ignore, directly in the configuration interface.
    2. Allowed Sites are required. If Allowed Sites are not defined, Clearbit will not activate Forms on your website.

      đź’ˇ Clearbit Tip

      To autofill or shorten forms at a specific address, enter the specific URL (e.g. or

      To allow autofill & shortening for all forms on a specific domain enter a wildcard (e.g.* or **).

      If you'd like to learn more about Allowed Sites click here. 

  4. Under the Form Settings section, choose whether you'd like to enable:
    1. Form Field Autofill - All fields will be visible when enriched
    2. Form Shortening - Fields will be hidden by default, and only show if Clearbit cannot enrich the field

If Form Shortening is off, then all form fields will remain visible at all times. Once toggled on, form fields (other than the Email field) will remain hidden, only appearing if Clearbit does not have data available.


Set Up Field Mapping

Form field mapping will allow you to map Clearbit person and company attributes to HubSpot form fields. For example, you could map Company Industry in the Clearbit attribute to the Hubspot Industry field.

  1. Navigate to your Form Field Mapping tab from the Configuration page. 
  2. Click Add Mapping to create a new field mapping.
  3. Select the Clearbit Attribute you would like to sync. Then choose the corresponding form field you want to enrich with that data.2023-09-25_13-24-20.png
  4. Click the Save Settings button to update and save your field mapping settings.