Legacy: How Do I Integrate Clearbit Reveal with Google Analytics and Google Data Studio?

Last Updated: December 21, 2023

🔍 Please note: this article is for customers on Standard Bundle, Enrichment, or Clearbit Platform plans.

This article documents the steps needed to combine first and third-party data (Clearbit) together in Google Analytics. It covers setting up Data Studio at a high level via PostgreSQL. If you're looking for the Reveal GA integration guide, please go here.

How To Reveal with Google Analytics and Google Data Studio

  1. Either visit: https://datastudio.google.com or from inside Google Reporting Suite, select the drop-down from the top left corner and select the option for Data Studio then select Get Started.
  2. Select Data Sources from the left-hand menu, then choose the integration your team will be connecting. Clearbit uses Amazon Redshift. You can select PostgreSQL for this.
  3. Authenticate your Database. Depending on how your database is configured, you may need to write a custom query. Make sure the fields you want to pass are selected. You will need to check with your operations team for exact querying.
  4. Select the table option and draw a box on the page.
  5. Select the table you just created. On the right-hand side select Blend Data.
  6. Choose your data sources, and what dimensions you will be using from each, and make sure to join by a matching key.
  7. Select Save in the bottom right hand of the menu.
  8. From the right side menu, pull the dimensions and metrics you blended and will be in your report:
    You will most likely want to add some filters (including email and specific high-value pages) to your report so that each rep gets their own custom dashboard to review daily.
    ie: for email, you'll want to add the following, and change this for each copied dashboard that you may wish to create.
  9. Add Date Range to your report to allow users to filter activity by date.
  10. Edit field names as desired, and share with respective team members. 