Legacy: Set Up the Email Destination
Last Updated: Sep 26, 2023
🔍 Please note: this article is for customers on Standard Bundle, Enrichment, or Clearbit Platform plans.
The Email Destination rolls up all the companies or people that match your audience criteria over a given time frame into a single digest that is delivered as a CSV via email.
Common use cases include:
- Every Monday send your sales team a prospecting list of net-new accounts (i.e. accounts not in your CRM) that have hit your site in the last week and fit your ideal customer profile.
- Send your customer success team a weekly digest of accounts that aren't configured properly.
- Send your sales team a digest of freemium (previously unqualified) accounts that have moved into your ideal customer profile.
Enable the Destination
- Navigate to any audience in Clearbit.
- Click the Destinations tab.
Click the Create button in the Email digest box, and a pop-up will appear.
- Select one of the options in the Trigger box, which sets the criteria for a person/company to trigger the destination:
When a company enters the audience
- Triggers only when a company/person enters the audience.
When a company exists the audience
- Triggers only when a company/person exits the audience.
On page view
- Triggers every time a company/person views a page on your site.
When a company enters the audience
Select one of the Configure email options:
Recipients - Sets to whom the email is sent. You can enter as many recipients as you'd like.
(optional) Use our Dynamic Salesforce/Hubspot fields, which would alert only the Object Owner(s).
(optional) Use our Dynamic Salesforce/Hubspot fields, which would alert only the Object Owner(s).
- Email Subject - Sets the email subject on your digest.
Recipients - Sets to whom the email is sent. You can enter as many recipients as you'd like.
Decide if you want to Enable delivery suppression:
- When enabled, excludes people/companies that you've been alerted to within the past x days/weeks/months. In the image below, a company would only be included in the email digest if they haven't been included in the past 5 days.
- Schedule email digest - Sets the schedule of the alert, down to the time of day.
Customize your CSV - Select which fields you'd like to include in your CSV. Note that when selecting Salesforce Object fields, we'll include the field value for every Object of that type relating to the person/company.
📝 Please note: Email digest CSVs include a maximum of 250 rows.