Legacy: What Does an Enrichment Payload Look Like?
Last Updated: December 21, 2023
🔍 Please note: this article is for customers on Standard Bundle, Enrichment, or Clearbit Platform plans.
If you are using our Enrichment API outside of an integration, you may need to familiarize yourself with the structure of the payload Clearbit returns. This article shows how the attributes are nested and how their values are formatted. The attributes for which we do not have standardized values are indicated by italicized example value.
💡 Clearbit Tip: If you're using an integration and mapping these values to different field options, be mindful that other systems may require case-sensitivity.
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Company Data
category: {
- sector
- industryGroup
- industry
- sicCode
📝 Please note: NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) and SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) are systems for classifying companies into industries. It's a fairly antiquated standard (e.g. doesn't really account for the different classifications of modern tech companies), and we usually suggest that companies use a modern standard like our GICS based categories or the array of classification tags we return if possible.
indexedAt: returns Timestamp indicating when record data was last refreshed
name: Clearbit,
legalName: APIHub Inc,
domain: clearbit.com,
domainAliases: [clearbit.co, clearbit.ca],
site: {
- phoneNumbers: ["+1 866-241-4820", "+1 415-805-3400"],
- emailAddresses: ["sarah@clearbit.com", "kenny@clearbit.com"]
description: "The marketing data engine to deeply understand your customers, identify future prospects, & personalize every single marketing & sales interaction."
📝 Please note: The description returns a maximum of 255 characters
tags: [ see values ],
📝 Please note: Clearbit provides two levels of granularity when it comes to company tags: regular tags and business classifications. Regular tags can be used for very fine-grained company segmentation, while business classifications are higher-level, generic categories that can be applied more broadly to any company. Keep in mind that the regular tags and business classifications are not presented as two separate fields in Enrichment. Both are supplied by a trained neural net algorithm that analyzes company websites.
foundedYear: 2014,
location: 90 Sheridan, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA",
timeZone: see values here
utcOffset: -8,
geo: {
- lat: 37.7721942
- lng: -122.4118037
- streetNumber: 90
- streetName: Sheridan
- city: San Francisco
- postalCode: 94103
- state: California
- stateCode: see values here *also returns codes for Canadian provinces
- country: see values here
- countryCode: see values here
logo: "https://logo.clearbit.com/clearbit.com",
facebook: {
- handle: "clearbitinc",
- likes: 10906
linkedin: {
- handle: "company/clearbit"
twitter: {
- handle: "clearbit",
- likes: 10906
- Id: "2857311332",
- bio: "Clearbit is the marketing data engine for all of your customer interactions,
- followers: 4293,
- following: 286,
- location: "San Francisco",
- site: "https://t.co/r06mCbdPuR",
- avatar: "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1433149472599642120/Am7F6Hbo_normal.jpg"
crunchbase: {
- handle: "organization/clearbit"
emailProvider: returns True/False. Indicates whether the email domain is associated with a free email provider (ex: Gmail). Used for identifying work emails
type: returns 'Education', 'Government', 'Nonprofit', 'Private', 'Public', or 'Personal'
phone: returns headquarters phone number for company,
metrics: {
- alexaUsRank: 1426,
- alexaGlobalRank: 5590,
trafficRank: returns: very_high, high, medium, medium_low, low, very_low
- employees: 160,
- employeesRange: returns 1-10, 11-50, 51-250, 251-1K, 1K-5K, 5K-10K, 50K-100K, 100K+
- marketCap: returns Total market capitalization for company (public companies only),
- raised: 17000000,
- annualRevenue: $182B,
- estimatedAnnualRevenue: returns: $0-$1M, $1M-$10M, $10M-$50M, $50M-$100M, $100M-$250M, $250M-$500M, $500M-$1B, $1B-$10B, $10B+
- fiscalYearEnd: returns month that the company's fiscal year ends (listed as integer 1-12)
tech: [ see values here ]
techCategories: [ see values here ]
Person Data
name: {
- fullName: Alex MacCaw,
- givenName: Alex,
- familyName: MacCaw
email: alex@clearbit.com
location: San Francisco, CA, US,
timeZone: see values here
utcOffset: -8,
geo: {
- lat: 37.7721942
- lng: -122.4118037
- city: San Francisco
- state: California
- stateCode: see values here *also returns codes for Canadian provinces
- country: see values here
- countryCode: see values here
bio: returns the most accurate person bio we surface from a variety of publicly visible social sources
site: http://alexmaccaw.com
avatar: https://d1ts43dypk8bqh.cloudfront.net/v1/avatars/3622a31e-7d4c-41bf-a422-65b36b4a401d,
employment: {
- domain: Clearbit.com
- name: Clearbit
- title: Co-founder, CEO. *does not return standardized values
- role: see values here
- subrole: see values here
- seniority: returns executive, director, or manager
linkedin: {
- handle: amaccaw
github: {
- handle: null
- id: 2142
- avatar: https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/2142?v=4
- company: Clearbit,
- blog: http://alexmaccaw.com,
- followers: 3594,
- following: 111
twitter: {
- handle: test,
- id: "2857311332",
- bio: "X ? 0 : 1",
- followers: 1373,
- following: 0,
- statuses: 0,
- favorites: 0,
- location: "San Francisco",
- site: "https://t.co/r06mCbdPuR",
- avatar: "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1433149472599642120/Am7F6Hbo_normal.jpg"
googleplus: {
- handle: amaccaw
gravatar: {
- handle: maccman,
urls: [
- {value: http://alexmaccaw.com,
- title: Personal Website},
- avatar: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/994909da96d3afaf4daaf54973914b64,
avatars: {
- url: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/994909da96d3afaf4daaf54973914b64,
- type: thumbnail}
] }
fuzzy: returns True/False. Indicates if we achieved an exact match. A false value indicates that email ownership has been verified by additional sources,
emailProvider: returns True/False. Indicates whether the email domain is associated with a free email provider (ex: Gmail). Used for identifying work emails
indexedAt: returns timestamp indicating when record data was last refreshed
phone: returns Direct-dial work phone number of person (premium feature)