Legacy: Set Up Clearbit Forms for Marketo
Last Updated: November 8, 2022
🔍 Please note: this article is for customers on Standard Bundle, Enrichment, or Clearbit Platform plans.
Clearbit Forms is a powerful tool to dramatically increase the conversion of your Marketo Forms by hiding form fields that Clearbit can enrich (and showing those fields if it cannot) ensuring you keep your forms shorter and increase conversion rates, without losing the data you need to qualify and route leads.
Skip Ahead to:
- Set Up Clearbit Forms for Marketo
- Create a Clearbit Form Status Field in Marketo
- Create Your Marketo Form
- Set Up Dynamic Form Fields with Visibility Rules
- Define Your Allowed Sites in Clearbit
- Set Up Field Mapping
Set Up Clearbit Forms for Marketo
Install the Clearbit Tag on your website.
📝 Please note: If you have already configured Marketo database enrichment, you have already created a Marketo Client ID, Secret and endpoint URL that you can reuse. If this is true for you, Instead of adding a new role, user, and service, please move on to step 5. -
Log in to your Marketo account and create an API-only role.
- Go the Admin section in the navigation bar.
- Select Users & Roles from the left panel under the Security group.
- Select Roles from the main panel and click on New Role right underneath it.
- Fill in the form with descriptive, easy to identify information, such as:
- Role Name:
Clearbit API
- Description:
API-only role for use with Clearbit
- Permissions:
Access API (35 of 35)
- Role Name:
- After you're done, click on the Create button.
Now create a user and assign it the API-only role you just created.
- From the same panel, select Users and click on Invite New User right underneath it.
- For Step 1 (Info), give your user a descriptive name and email address (it doesn't need to be valid) that will make it easy to remember you'll be using it with Clearbit, such as:
- Email:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Reason:
API-only user for Clearbit
- Access Expires:
- Email:
- After you're done, click on the Next button and move on to the next step (Permissions).
- Select the API-only role you previously created (Clearbit API) and check the API Only box.
- After you're done, click on the Next button again.
- For the final step (Message), simply go ahead and click the Send button since API-only users don't require an invitation.
- Grab the credentials needed to approve the connection between Clearbit and Marketo. With our users and roles in place, we now need to create a custom web service that will provide the Client ID, Client Secret, and endpoint url needed to connect Clearbit to your Marketo account.
- Still under the Admin section of the navigation bar, select Launchpoint from the left panel under the Integration group.
- Click New and New Service right underneath it.
- Fill in the form with the following information:
- Display Name:
Clearbit for Marketo
- Service:
- Description:
Service used to enrich lead records
- API Only User:
- Display Name:
- After you're done, click the Create button.
- Now that we created a custom web service, we can get the authentication credentials from it. We'll first grab the Client ID and Client Secret.From the main panel, look for the web service you created (Clearbit for Marketo) and click on View Details.
- Copy the Client Id and Client Secret from the modal window.
- Go back to your Clearbit dashboard and paste them in the corresponding fields.
- Now we'll head back to Marketo and grab the endpoint url. From the left panel, still under the Integration group, select Web Services.
- Scroll down to the REST API section inside the main panel.
- Copy the Endpoint url, starting with https and ending with .com/ (without the word rest).
- Go to your Clearbit form shortening dashboard and paste the client ID, client secret and REST endpoint URL in the corresponding fields.
- Click the Connect Marketo button to finish this step
Create a Clearbit Form Status Field in Marketo
To power Clearbit dynamic form shortening, you'll need to create a special custom field that gets added to every Marketo form that you want to use form shortening on.
Log in to your Marketo account and go to the Admin section in the navigation bar.
Select Field Management from the left panel, under the Database Management group.
Click on New Custom Field from the main panel and create a field with the following properties:
- Object: Person
- Type: String
- Name: Clearbit Form Status
- API Name: clearbitFormStatus
4. After you're done, click Create.
Create a Clearbit Loaded Status Field in Marketo
To ensure the submission of forms with all the necessary fields, it is essential to create a dedicated custom field. This field should be added to the visibility settings of every Marketo form where form shortening is desired.
This enhancement ensures the continual visibility of required fields and maintains the form's submittable status, even in the event of JavaScript failure for any reason.
Log in to your Marketo account and go to the Admin section in the navigation bar.
Select Field Management from the left panel, under the Database Management group.
Click on New Custom Field from the main panel and create a field with the following properties:
- Object: Person
- Type: String
- Name: Clearbit Loaded Status
- API Name: clearbitLoadedStatus
4. After you're done, click Create.
Create Your Marketo Form
The next step is to create the form you'll be using on your website. You can create a new form on your site (following these steps) or you can apply these steps to an existing form by clicking 'create draft' in that form to open your Marketo form editor. You'll need to make changes to this form to get it behaving how we want. Click the plus sign and search for clearbit form status and add the custom field.
Go to the Design Studio section of the navigation bar.
Click New and select New Form from the available options below.
- Fill in the modal with the appropriate information like in the example below:
💡 Clearbit Tip: When creating your form, make sure to move up your Email Address as the first field. That's the only required visible field and the one Clearbit will use to look for data on that lead.
- Let's now add both the custom fields we created earlier (Clearbit Form Status & Clearbit Loaded Status) and set it's field type as hidden so that users won't see it.
📝 Please note: The API Name of the field must be exactly clearbitFormStatus in order for it to work correctly.
Set Up Dynamic Form Fields with Visibility Rules
In order to make your form fields dynamic, we have to enable Visibility Rules on them. Please note that all forms and fields will need to follow this pattern outlined below.
- Let's use a field called First Name to show the pattern we'll follow for the rest of the fields. Click the First Name field.
- Look at the properties table to the right and scroll down until you find Visibility Rules. Click on Disabled to open up the rules modal.
- Select Hide as the behavior we want to start with. The fields will remain hidden when any of the conditions we set are met.
- The first condition should check if Clearbit Loaded Status is loaded. This guarantees that the required fields remain visible and that the form remains submittable even if our JavaScript fails to load for any reason.
- The second condition checks if Clearbit Form Status contains data on the property FirstName. If Clearbit returned data on that field, we want it to stay hidden. If not, we want it to be visible so the user can type it in.
📝 Please Note: Clearbit writes data to the ‘SOAP API Name’ of the field, not the ‘Friendly Label’. You can download the list of standard fields here. Or you can view both standard and custom fields by jumping to Admin > Database Management > Field Management and clicking on Export Field Names. - Click the SAVE button and publish your changes. Friendly reminder that each field needs these visibility rules added.
Define Your Allowed Sites in Clearbit
Allowed Sites are required. Allowed Sites defines which pages of your website will activate Autofill or Form Shortening, and which pages to ignore, directly in the configuration interface. If Allowed Sites are not defined, Clearbit will not activate Forms on your website.
- In Clearbit, click the Integrations tab, then the Manage Marketo button in the Form Shortening section.
Define your Allowed Sites by clicking the Add domain button. Type in your site, and click Save.
💡 Clearbit Tip: To autofill or shorten forms at a specific address. Enter the specific URL (e.g. example.com or example.com/blog) . To allow autofill & shortening for all forms on a specific domain enter a wildcard (e.g. example.com/* or *.example.com/*). If you'd like to learn more about Allowed Sites click here.
- Under the Form Settings section, toggle Form Field Autofill to ON.
Set Up Field Mapping
Your field mappings determine what data will be written to each field on a lead when the Clearbit enrichment webhook is triggered.
- Navigate to your Form Field Mapping tab from the Integrations > Manage Marketo page.
- Click Add Mapping to create a new field mapping.
- Select the Clearbit Attribute you would like to sync. Then choose the corresponding form field you want to enrich with that data.
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