Legacy: Use Clearbit Reveal for Optimizely Audiences & Variations

Last Updated: September 25, 2023

🔍 Please note: this article is for customers on Standard Bundle, Enrichment, or Clearbit Platform plans.

Clearbit Reveal in Optimizely allows you to craft unique user journeys on your company’s website by tailoring the digital experience based on which companies are visiting your site- even if they’ve never self-identified- by using IP Addresses.

IP addresses can tell you a lot about your visitors, like physical location (country), time zone. Using Clearbit’s Reveal technology you can use a visitor's IP address to find over 50 data points, including Company Name, Employee Count, Company Location, Revenue, and even the Company Tech Stack. This data gives you a huge advantage: you’re now able to speak directly to your different audiences and tell them you know who they are and what their needs are.

By making your marketing hyper-personalized, you’ll see higher conversion rates, better engagement, and ultimately more of the right kind of customers. 

This article will show you several examples of how to use Reveal attributes:

Within Optimizely Audiences

and JavaScript variation code snippets.

To start with, here is:

Now, onto our examples! 
Example 1: Build an audience for visitors that use ANY of the following technologies: Google Analytics, AdRoll, or Google Apps

Here's the Custom Javascript you would paste in:

window.reveal && (window.reveal.company.tech.indexOf('google_analytics') != -1 || window.reveal.company.tech.indexOf('adroll') != -1 || window.reveal.company.tech.indexOf('google_apps') != -1)

Example 2: Build an audience for visitors that are classified with ANY of the following Industry Tags: Mobile or Communications

Here's the Custom Javascript you would paste in:

window.reveal && (window.reveal.company.tags.indexOf('Mobile') != -1 || window.reveal.company.tags.indexOf('Communications') != -1)

Example 3: Build an audience for visitors that belong to ALL of the following Industry Tags: SaaS and B2B

Here's the Custom Javascript you would paste in:

window.reveal && (window.reveal.company.tags.indexOf('B2B') != -1
&& window.reveal.company.tags.indexOf('SaaS') != -1)

Example 4: Build an audience specific to your target account list (for ABM)

Here's the Custom Javascript you would paste in for some sample accounts:

window.reveal && ['slack.com','uber.com','ibm.com','cisco.com','microsoft.com'].indexOf(window.reveal.company.domain) != -1

Within the Variation Code editor, you could then show the actual company's name when they visit with a simple line of jQuery:


Example 5: Create a variant that only shows relevant customer logos based on the visitor's Industry Tag

Here's some sample Javascript you could use within the Variation Code editor:

if (window.reveal && window.reveal.company.tags.indexOf('Finance') != -1) {

Example 6: Create a variant that shows personalized messaging based on identifiable technology

Here's some sample Javascript you could use within the Variation Code editor:

if (window.reveal && window.reveal.company.tech.indexOf('mixpanel') != -1) {
  message = 'See why our new Analytics platform blows Mixpanel out of the water.'

đź’ˇ Clearbit tip: Show competitive messaging or content to site visitors who use your rival's product and may want to switch to yours.

Example 7: Create a variant that shows personalized messaging for companies above 1000 employees

Here's some sample Javascript you could use within the Variation Code editor:

if (window.reveal && window.reveal.company.metrics.employees > 1000) {
  message = 'Our new platform is built for Enterprise'

If you wanted to take it a step further, you could also change the call-to-action (CTA) by showing/hiding a special button only for your target companies:

if (window.reveal && window.reveal.company.metrics.employees > 1000) {   

Or you could adjust the hero section based a specific subset of target accounts:

if (window.reveal && ['slack.com', 'uber.com', 'ibm.com', 'microsoft.com', 'cisco.com'].indexOf(window.reveal.company.domain) != -1) {  	