Legacy: Set Up Audiences in Clearbit

Last Updated: September 27, 2023

🔍 Please note: This article is for customers on Standard Bundle, Enrichment, or Clearbit Platform plans.

Audiences are the starting point for all marketing workflows in Clearbit. An audience is a group of people or companies defined by Clearbit enrichment data, custom "identify" traits, page viewsSalesforce data, and/or HubSpot data. You can use these audiences to trigger powerful marketing workflows like automatically syncing to ads platforms or sending sales alerts to your reps.

Build Your First Audience 

  1. Think through the audience that you'll be creating. For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll pretend that you want to create the following audience: Accounts with open Opportunities for companies that have at least 500 employees, and have either hit your website 10 times this week or have hit your pricing page once.
  2. Head to the Companies tab (the process is the same for People) and click the New Audience button at the bottom.
  3. We'll start by selecting our first attribute - Audience attributes are organized by source, like "Clearbit" or "Salesforce" (as it is in the screenshot below).
    Screen Shot 2023-10-10 at 6.04.31 PM.png
    You can choose attributes from these sources: 
    • Clearbit - Clearbit's person and company enrichment data
    • Salesforce - data synced from Salesforce (Accounts, Opportunities, Contacts, and Leads)
    • HubSpot - data synced from HubSpot
    • Page view - specific page view data to query by
    • Custom trait - custom data that you send us via Clearbit Tag or Segment

      Let's start by adding the attributes for the criteria "Companies with a Closed Salesforce Opportunity AND that have 500 or more employees." From the Salesforce -> Opportunity section, select the Closed attribute and set it to false.
  4. Click the Add Condition icon.
  5. From the Clearbit section, select the Company Employees to attribute and set it to >= 500.
    2023-10-10_17-48-21 (1).gif
  6. Next, we'll add the attributes for the second set of conditions:

    "...And have either hit your website 10 times this week OR have hit your pricing page once."

    Since the last two criteria for this audience use the OR operator, we need to group them together. Add Group by clicking Add Group button, and as the name suggests allows you to group several criteria with a common operator (AND/OR).
  7. From within that group, add an All page views criteria and set it to 10 times in the last week.
  8. Add second criteria to that group  - Page views matching with the path set to /pricing and time frame set to 1 time in the last day.
    2023-10-10_17-58-19 (1).gif
  9. Click the AND in your second group to change it to an OR. That's it! Your final audience should look like this:
    Screen Shot 2023-10-10 at 6.02.41 PM.pngOnce you hit save, your audience results will automatically generate. This can take up to a few seconds.

📝 Please note: Keep in mind that companies and people can be created from a variety of sources both implicit and explicit. If you want to query only companies/people that have hit your site, you'll want to make sure to add page view criteria to your audience.

View Your Audience

Once you've made your audience, you can view them under either your People or Companies view. You can also customize the columns displayed or download an ad-hoc CSV from the menu in the upper right.


Set Up Salesforce Groups

You may have noticed that all Salesforce attributes appear within a special blue group. These groups indicate that any attributes within them must apply to the same Salesforce record. For example, the following would return any company that has an associated Account that is both Owned by Jacob and is Type Partner.Screen_Shot_2022-03-21_at_2.51.24_PM.png

Whereas, this next one would return companies with associated accounts owned by Jacob and an Account with type Partner, regardless if both attributes were present on the same account.

Nesting in Salesforce Groups

In Salesforce, Opportunities belong to an Account. We have maintained that relationship in our Salesforce Groups. You'll notice that each Salesforce Group in Company segments has an Account and Opportunity section. Any opportunity criteria entered must apply to an opportunity owned by an account with the criteria above it. For example: 



The above will return companies with Closed Won Opportunities at an Account owned by Jacob.

📝 Please note: In People Segments, Contacts are similarly nested under Accounts, while Leads are stand-alone records.

Next step: Once you've built your audiences, then the next step is to set up destinations where your notifications will be sent.