Legacy: Set Up Auto-Creation of New Lead Records in Salesforce

Last Updated: January 12, 2024

🔍 Please note: This article is for customers on Standard Bundle, Enrichment, or Clearbit Platform plans.

This article details instructions for setting up the auto-creation of new account records in Salesforce, which is a functionality available via Clearbit Capture

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  1. Install the Clearbit Tag.
  2. Set Up Audiences in Clearbit based on your ICP. As an example, Clearbit's ICP audience can be found below:
  3. Within your ICP company audience, click the Destinations tab, and then the Create... button on the right of either Create new Contacts in Salesforce or Create new Leads in Salesfoce. If you need a brush up on destination creation, click here.
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  4. Specify which roles, seniority levels, and/or specific titles you're interested in, as well as which Clearbit field you'd like to map onto the Last Name field in Salesforce.
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  5. Click Save changes and you're finished! 🎉