Legacy: Customize your Destination Messages with Liquid Templating

Last Updated: September 27, 2023

🔍 Please note: this article is for customers on Standard Bundle, Enrichment, or Clearbit Platform plans.

To further customize how you want your alerts and notifications to appear in your Destinations, some Destination fields support Liquid templating. Liquid allows you to include specific data values directly in their content.

Here's an example of using Liquid templates in the Slack destination:


And here is how it would appear in Slack:


All of the fields below are available for use in Destinations. To include, simply wrap the attribute in {{}}. For example, including company name would simply look like {{company.name}}.

You can add Liquid templates in the following locations:

Destination metadata

Here are the available data that you can insert with the Liquid templates.

Variable Type
destination.id UUID
destination.segment_id UUID


Company Data

Variable Type
company.name string
company.domain string
company.metrics.employees_range string
company.metrics.estimated_annual_revenue string
company.metrics.traffic_rank string
company.category.industry string
company.location string
company.geo.country string
company.geo.country_code string
company.geo.state_code string
company.tech array
company.logo string
company.facebook.handle string
company.linkedin.handle string
company.twitter.handle string
company.last_visit_at datetime
company.last_visit_path string